Monday, October 25, 2004

Yellow Light on the Street?

Yellow Light on the Street?
Given record high oil prices, turmoil in Iraq, rising interest rates, and a closely fought U.S. Presidential election, you'd expect the stock market to be volatile -- subject to big, sudden movements. Yet the market is registering some of the lowest volatility readings in nearly 10 years, as measured by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) Volatility Index, better known as the VIX.

Man gets heart from daughter

This article is about a man who had heart trouble. His daughter died in a car accident and had said she would be an organ donor. They decided to give him his daughter's heart, and it worked. One thing that is interesting about the article is that even after she died, he felt that she was encouraging him to do it. It made me wonder: Is is possible to get messages from the dead? -Tom Leverett

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Gay bishop article- for Monday

This article is called No apology for gay bishop's consecration and is from the Seacoast Online newspaper in New Hampshire. In this article, the international Anglican church wants the US church to apologize for elevating an openly gay man to the position of bishop, but they won't do it. This is causing a big problem in this church. It deals with the issue of acceptance of gays in the religious community.


to the newstalk blog. To post your article, first, make sure you know the TITLE and the URL of the article. One way is to open up your browser (IE?), find the article, COPY the URL, and then come into the blogs. Remember, cesl046, fanerhall, newstalk, post! Let us know basically what's in the article. Give us a comment. Make sure you LINK us to the entire article. The Writing Assistants will help you! I'll say more about this later. My article is above.